Gepubliceerd op donderdag 22 november 2012
IT 942
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Recente IViR-publicaties

Walking a Thin Line: The Regulation of EPGs, B. van der Sloot, JIPITEC, 2012-2, p. 138-147.

Due Prominence in Electronic Programme Guides, B. van der Sloot, IRIS Plus, 2012-5.

Google's Dead End, or: on Street View and the Right to Data Protection: An analysis of Google Street View's compatibility with EU data protection law, B. van der Sloot & F. Zuiderveen Borgesius, Computer Law Review International, 2012-4, p. 103-109.

From Data Minimization to Data Minimummization, B. van der Sloot, in: B. Custers, T. Calders, B. Schermer & T. Zarsky (eds.), Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society. Data Mining and Profiling in Large Databases, Springer: Heidelberg 2012, p. 273-287. ISBN: 9783642304866.